Depression in Pregnancy

Depression in Pregnancy


Pregnancy is one of the high points in any individual's life. During this time parental depression is also very common. It can be a difficult task to feel low and sad when everyone around you is all happy and rosy. However, pregnancy depression is a topic that needs to be talked about and people need to know about it. About 13 percent of women meet the medical criteria for depression during pregnancy and about 37 percent say they experience symptoms of depression.

Gynaecologists in Siliguri provide help to their patients so that pregnancy depression does not lead to severe consequences. There are treatments available and there is no shame in asking for help.

Table of content:

1. Why does pregnancy depression occur?

2. Who is prone to pregnancy depression?

3. Causes of pregnancy depression

4. Symptoms

Why does pregnancy depression occur?

When it comes to depression during pregnancy, women are twice more susceptible to it. It is during this time that parts of the brain that control sleep, mood, thinking, and other needs stop functioning appropriately possibly due to the chemical imbalances in the body. Surgical hormones when coupled with stress, anxiety, and the social pressure to react in a particular manner can affect any woman’s emotional state.

Who is prone to pregnancy depression?

According to gynaecologists in Siliguri, there are several risk factors if expected women are left with the feeling of sadness and hopelessness. You need to seek treatment if you feel this way because which is completely normal. You could be more prone to this if:

  • You have a family history or already struggle with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or others.
  • You are having to deal with some major stressful or emotional incident which is taking a toll on your mental health as well.
  • Unplanned pregnancy is one of the main reasons for pregnancy depression
  • You are a victim of domestic violence, physical or sexual abuse
  • You have diabetes or a thyroid condition. The hormones regulate in a way which leads to symptoms of depression.

Causes of pregnancy depression

There is no particular reason for depression during pregnancy as stated by gynaecologists in Siliguri. However, hormones play a significant role in it.

Hormones directly affect the brain chemistry that is responsible for controlling emotions and mood. The same hormonal fluctuations that cause mood swings and other emotions during the menstrual cycle also cause pregnancy depression. Women who suffer from severe PMS are more susceptible to this.

Genetics can also play a role in this as depression can be a trait in the family history. Depression during pregnancy is an amalgamation of a number of factors that combine can cause problems.


Some of the symptoms of parental depression are very similar to normal pregnancy symptoms. These may include:

  • Sleeping issues
  • Appetite changes
  • Anxiety
  • Loss of sexual interest
  • Loss of concentration
  • Mood swings

There are some severe symptoms of depression and if they occur to you during pregnancy on an everyday basis, it is best to consult your doctor. These are:

  • Sad, hopeless, restless, and a depressed mood
  • Crying a lot
  • Tendency to distance from friends, family and loved ones
  • Weight loss
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Overeating or no appetite at all
  • Feeling of guilt
  • Self-harming thoughts or suicide

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