All About Fetal Echocardiograms

All About Fetal Echocardiograms


The fetal echocardiograms test is a type of ultrasound test which helps to see the physical structure and functioning of the unborn child's heart. This important test is done during the second trimester, between 18 to 24 weeks. Over the years the fetal echocardiograms test has given many good results during the time of pregnancy. The patients might get worried about the unborn child and wants to know the health condition therefore, this test has been introduced exactly for that purpose. The sound waves that produce echo off the fetus's heart can depict the structure of the child.

When are fetal echocardiograms test needed?

This test is not for all the pregnant women, the specialist for fetal medicine will depict the patient and recommend to go for the fetal echocardiograms test if any of the high-risk pregnancy symptoms are seen. The basic ultrasound might work for most of the pregnant patients that showcase the development of all four chambers of the unborn baby's heart. These are the following conditions during which the fetal echocardiograms test is needed-

  • If the unborn child is in the risk of abnormal heart and disorder
  • If there is the family history of heart disease
  • If the patient has already delivered a baby with a heart condition in the past
  • If the patient has used drugs or alcohol during the time of pregnancy
  • If the women are exposed to medication causing heart defects

How is fetal echocardiograms test performed?

This test is performed by a well trained special ultrasound sonographer and fetal echocardiograms test is known as fetal echocardiography. If the women are found to be in the fault of any of the above risks then, the patient needs to be cautious and immediately consider fetal echocardiography. There are two ways of performing fetal echocardiogram:

Abdominal echocardiography    

In abdominal cardiography, the technician places the lubricating jelly into the exposed belly of the patient. The jelly that is used in this procedure prevents the friction that helps the specialist to move the ultrasound transducer. This transducer sends sounds waves into the body which hits the dense object of the unborn child's heart. The echo’s that are produced during this process is reflected back to the computer.

Transvaginal echocardiography

This process gives the clearer image of the fetal heart and it is used in the earlier stages of pregnancy. During transvaginal echocardiography, the patients are asked to undress from below the waist and the technician inserts a small probe into the patient's vagina. The probe that is used in this process uses the special sound waves that help in creating the image of the baby's heart.

The fetal echocardiograms test makes a whole lot of difference in giving a positive news and relief to the patient and as suggested by specialist for fetal medicine, it should be considered if any type of pregnancy uncertainties arises.

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